I was recently told by a white, American woman, a Hamas sympathizer, “The problem is when you treat people as sub-human from generation to generation, you literally create terrorists.” I agree with this statement but not for the same extrapolation as she does. She was defending the unprovoked attack on innocent Israelis on October, 7th 2023 claiming that those living under the terrorist government of Hamas, have been treated as “sub-human” by Israel and that is why they are terrorists. The reason, as I understood her explanation, they were justified in attacking, torturing, raping, and murdering 1,400 innocent Jews.

There is a lot to unpack in her statement—“The problem is when you treat people as sub-human from generation to generation, you literally create terrorists.” So let’s put that on the table and begin with the Jews. I will not belabor this conversation by going back to the times of the Hebrew’s captivity in Egypt, where the Jews were considered livestock slaves, but skip to Hitler’s Germany. Nazis described Jews as Untermenschen, or subhumans, below humankind. To Hitler and those who supported him, the Jews were like rats that needed to be exterminated. The Jews under Hitler were first tagged like livestock, then staved, brutally tortured, experimented on, raped, and horrifically murdered, millions in gas chambers…innocent, men, women, and children. And yet, there are those to this day who claim this horrific atrocity never happened. Very similar to so many, mostly ignorant young collage-aged people who claim that the unprovoked attacks Hamas perpetrated against innocent Jewish civilians on Oct. 7th, 2023 are not nearly as bad or horrific as we are being told by the Conservative media…the Mainstream media has been mostly silent.

So let’s compare the methodical genocide attempt by Hitler and his supporters, who oversaw the extermination of more than 6 Million Jews, to the validity of the statement, “The problem is when you treat people as sub-human from generation to generation, you literally create terrorists.”

By her logic, it would be the Jews that would have become the terrorists. Have we seen a rise in Jewish Terrorists since the end of WWll to now? Have Jews been loading themselves up with explosives and suicide bombing crowded civilian areas in Gaza or around the world? Do they have a history of going into Christian Churches or Muslim Mosques and murdering people because of their religion? The answer is a resounding no. So I can call BS on the “create terrorists” statement for the most historically persecuted people on this earth.

Now let’s take a look at the opposite side of this debate, the Muslims. For well over a Millennia, most predominately beginning after the death of Muhammad (632 AD) the Muslims went out to conquer and convert countries to Islam. They were cruel and brutal in their conquests; convert or die. Their invasions spanned 3 continents: Asia, Africa and Europe. In response to centuries of Muslim wars of expansion the Crusaders were born to fight back against these Muslim invaders, intent on world domination. To the Muslim conquerors, if you did not worship Allah you were not worthy to live. And to be clear, the Muslims were the main subjugators and facilitators of slavery in the world, and still, in our modern day, continue with that title. Furthermore, the first war the fledgling USA fought was against the Barbary Muslims who forced countries, mainly Sweden and the US to pay a fee or risk ships being overtaken by Muslim terrorists who would capture the crew and sell them into slavery. The Muslims conquered and ruled the civilized world surrounding the Mediterranean and Central Asia for 1,400 years.

Now I did go back into history much further for the Muslims than I did for the Jews, for the simple fact that the Jews were not trying to take over the world… However, there are some very stark similarities between Hitler’s desire for world domination, and his hatred for the Jewish people and the Muslim’s edict to cleanse the world of all non-Muslins; convert or die. I don’t think this comparison can be denied.

Now, let’s go back to the original comment to see what type of truth there is in it: “The problem is when you treat people as sub-human from generation to generation, you literally create terrorists.” This comment holds so much truth, but not in the way that the individual I was speaking with invokes. The Nazis under Hitler’s control taught the German children that the Jewish people were, Untermenschen = subhumans, like little, disgusting rodents spreading their disease. In promoting this indoctrination of children the obvious conclusion would be to raise up adults that wished nothing but the utter extermination of Jewish people…therefore creating terrorists.

Look no further than the Hamas-controlled schools that begin genocidal radicalization in the first grade to see how true that statement is. Children are taught to hate Jewish people, to see them as subhuman, and that they are expected to be martyrs if called to do so. The simple fact that little children are desensitized to the value of a human life, even their own is the reason that they will allow and accept explosives to be packed on their bodies or in their vehicles to be detonated in areas crowded with Jewish people. The higher the number of casualties the more honor the martyr receives. These Muslims, from birth, are taught to despise the Jews and that killing them is their duty to their god, Allah. 

Finally, the last group of people I will address to see if the ideology of “…you literally create terrorists” belongs in my camp or hers. This last group of people is the American Blacks, specifically early American Black people.

In 1807 Pres. Thomas Jefferson signed legislation that officially ended the African slave trade, a trade that the Muslims mostly facilitated, but this didn’t end slavery in the US. The vast majority of Black slaves could be found in the South which was ruled by Democrats. As a matter of fact, in 1860 those who aligned with the Democrat Party owned 99% of the roughly 4 million Black slaves in the US. And keeping with the theme we have established; according to the experience and opinion of W.E.B De Bois (1868-1963), a Black scholar and civil rights activist, these White Democrats sincerely felt that, “Black Americans were sub-human and congenitally unfitted for citizenship and the suffrage.”

Once American Blacks won their freedom from their Southern Democrat captors, they were treated with such hatred and disdain that the Dixie Democrats created their own domestic terrorist group called the KKK which was responsible for the lynching, torturing, and murdering of hundreds of innocent Black Americans.

“The problem is when you treat people as sub-human from generation to generation, you literally create terrorists.”

It is those who are filled with hate that creates in themselves the terrorists…