WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE! Eventually… 



February 25, 2019



Back in the ’70s, Leonard Nimoy made a documentary about the coming Global Ice-age. It was WIDELY shown in Public schools all across the Nation. I don’t really remember what its purpose was other than to fearmonger and scare little kids to death…implanting in our impressionable little minds and emotions that within a decade or so we were all going to either freeze to death or die of starvation…but one thing was for sure, WE WERE ALL GOING TO DIE! Raise your hand if you remember seeing or even hearing about this “scientifically true” documentary as a kid!





We then lived through the holes in the Ozone that were going to kill us all…like they were simply going to open up and suck out our brains and we would all die a grisly death while we watched the skin literally melt off our friend’s bodies. Then came Al Gore making the “SCARIEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!” ​​The same theme of death and destruction, starvation, skin melting off our bones, and everyone was going to drown or burn, starve or even freeze to death–gotta cover all the bases. Again, this was shown in public schools, to little kids because it really needed to be REINFORCED that their futures were DOOMED…evidently their parents totally forgot about the ICEAGE that came and went without notice…but this, THIS was going to happen and happen within the decade! So, the majority of the kids that had to watch that movie in 2006 are now adults, still perhaps teetering on the brink of extinction, but still alive to tell about the horrors they have experienced due to Global Warming! They must have a reminder of the destruction they are causing to pass to their children…Mrs. O’Leary’s cow has had babies, a LOT of babies and if you think that fire was bad, you just wait…just one match to their posterior is all it will take!





And now we have a fresh batch of flesh to scare and to prove that in 12 years, YES ONLY 12 YEARS the planet is going to perish and every living thing with it! We have the Notable Scientist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explaining to us, especially our children that we are all DOOMED to extinction in the very near future if WE DON’T do something NOW; we will be overcome by Bovine Flatulence and just drop dead in our tracks. Although, there is a highlight to this fearmongering…watching the Liberals eat their own young. I mean if you’re going to die, it might as well be at the hands of the ones that created you…right.









Daniella Cross is the caretaker of 4Earth and featured writer





ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.




March 27, 2018



THEN I watched the second video and thought, WHO IN THE WORLD sets up interviews like this, in a closet, when your school is getting shot up? I mean, this wasn’t one of those videos you see where people are scared to death and freaking out. This was a planned out interview of the students in the closet, who, by the way, also weren’t freaking out and they were being coached as to what to say! But the real question is—>​How did this kid, hiding in a closet, KNOW THAT NIC CRUZ that was the shooter? Answer that! Was he getting secret intel from someone, or did he already know? Somehow?  https://youtu.be/gZVioBDjFeM

And then the third video (at the 4:20 mark) Hoggs admits he wasn’t even at the school when this shooting happened! “DAVID HOGG: On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.  https://youtu.be/IUOkBv6wMhc

And after hearing his confession another student very quickly DEFLECTS his comments. Obviously, the school wasn’t in lockdown because SUPERHERO HOGGS went right in and found a classroom, went into a closet and started to CNN ALL OVER THE PLACE!

I have to admit that this kid is good and his future in FAKE NEW is well established. And he didn’t even have to fashion a clock bomb to secure his future, he just had to LIE LIE and CONTINUE TO LIE! EXPOSE THIS!






Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and featured writer




ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.




February 19, 2018




In America’s urban centers, 3,081 people were murdered in the first half of 2017, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association Violent Crimes Survey. That’s up from 2,994 people for the same period in 2016. Some were killed with guns, others knives, some beaten to death. But dead is still dead. Where is the outrage? Is there little concern because the MAJORITY of these murders in these cities were Black people? THOUSANDS of people are murdered every year, especially in our more populated cities and most are Black. Some are just minding their own business, some are children playing in a park, some are housewives, father, mothers, students… So why don’t their lives matter? Why is it when a school gets shot up people scream–GUN CONTROL? Is it because the large numbers of murders that happen are in places where there is SERIOUS GUN CONTROL already in place? AND, these people would actually have to look at the REAL CAUSES of these murders?

*The murder rate in Detroit is 20.2 per 100,000. In the first half of 2017, 136 people were murdered in that city.

*The murder rate in New Orleans is 24.5 per 100,000. Ninety-six people were murdered in the city in the first half of 2017

*The murder rate in Baltimore is 27.3 per 100,000. In the first half of 2017, 170 people were murdered in that city. In the first half of 2016, 137 people were murdered there.

*The murder rate in St. Louis is 29.1 per 100,000 — the highest of all the cities included in the police chiefs’ data. Ninety-two people were murdered in that city in the first half of 2017.

*650 people were killed in the first half of the year in Chicago.

* ETC!












Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and the featured writer.




Is it infringement?  Or Fair Use?

I have always felt that a picture indeed can say 1000 words, however, in the politically charged, Liberal Media driven, that picture can have the power of bias propaganda behind it and it is all in the persuasive text how you will perceive that picture.  One can hardly scroll through any Social Media page and not get bombarded with clever, snarky and sometimes downright outrageous Memes.  They come in all shapes and sizes and in all possible genres.  They aren’t selling anything, are not trying to persuade you to shell out your dough to join an MLM scheme…no they are all trying to make their own point, to share the opinion of the MEME MAKER!  

“One can hardly scroll through any Social Media page and not get bambarded with cleaver, snarky and sometimes down right outrageous Memes.  .”


So when I received a letter from a company called PicRights, demanding I remove picture of Loretta Lynch that had been made into a Meme, as early as 2014 AND pay them some money to have had that Meme posted on my site since 2017, I had to do a little bit of research into this company and to see if perhaps I was in violation of any type of Copyright infringement.  In my mind, and to the best of my abilities, the point of 4earth is to expose the truth, to educate and to sometimes satirically mock what I see going on politically, environmentally and socially and I sometimes use pictures to further that process.

My research into this company–Pickrights led me to believe a few things.  First, they prey upon people, mostly bloggers who receive this intimidating letter stating that they MUST PAY UP, in some cases Thousands of Dollars, and if they don’t they will be sued by a Highfalutin law firm for even more money than the letter asked for.  And secondly, they are in Canada and sending them a registered, certified letter, costs about as much a the amount they are asking for!

So, don’t get me wrong, no one should profit off someone else’s work;  musicians, filmmakers, artists et al labored hard and in most cases spent some dollars to produce their specific work and I certainly think they should be protected.  However, and especially in the society we currently dwell in, people have a LOT to say and in the case of 4earth and our content, our main goal is to do educate people based on our content.  SO, if we feel strongly that a photo of Loretta Lynch, Obama’s Attorney general is not conveying the truth, then we will use that photo under the auspice of The Fair Use Doctrine to educate and criticize…AND the more I researched this topic, the more complaints I began seeing from people regarding these companies that are attempting to extort money from people who are following the Fair Use Doctrine in their postings.   


I am going to post the letter we wrote in response to Picrights threatening, dunning letter to us because I think it is crucial that those of you who are writers, bloggers, independent journalists and the like, understand your rights in regards to The Fair Use Doctrine and not be taken in by companies such as these.


PicRights LTD.
3 Concorde Gate, 4th floor

Toronto, ON.  Canada  M3C 3N7

Attention: Ahmer Hussain

Re:  1032-6816-6734

“To whom it may concern,

Regarding your correspondence to us (enclosed) concerning alleged copyright infringement…  Images used on 4Earth.com rely on the US Copyright Doctrine of FAIR USE and are not ever intended to be used for copyright infringement or for profit.  The images, quotes and other information used on this site are materials considered beneficial to society in reporting, critique and or criticism, which also entitled us to our First Amendment protection and used in accordance with the US Fair Use Doctrine.  Section 107 of the Copyright Act defines fair use as follows:

[T]he fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.


The political image in question, blog posted January 22, 2017 can be found displayed in a Myriad of other internet sites which may also be protected by the US. Copyright Doctrine of Fair Use, Section 107. Furthermore, this image (without the meme content) can also be found https://www.nationalreview.com/2015/04/disgraceful-republican-cave-loretta-lynch-andrew-c-mccarthy/  dated April 25th, 2015, https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2014/11/08/obama-loretta-lynch-senate-republicans-mitch-mcconnell/18706401/  Nov. 8th, 2014 as well as many other online sites from 2014-2019.


The specific image found on 4Earth.com’s blog is a critique on a political issue and was turned into a Meme to further our point and provide a visual as comment and criticism of Ms. Lynch’s political hypocrisy when she was with the Obama Administration in 2014.  There is no motive for profit in the posting of this photo or any other photos found on 4Earth.com.  As noted in our long-standing mission statement:
“We created 4Earth.com almost 2 decades ago to open a discussion for the truth on environmental, humanitarian and political issues that affect all of us. 

We are dedicated to exposing false narratives and propaganda regarding issues like global warming, climate change, the negative effects of progressive liberalism and downright lies.” 

As you can see this site has always been purposed for criticism, comment, reporting and teaching the otherwise ignorant in these political and/or environmental matters.  I firmly believe that posting and creating a Meme from this 2014 photo of Loretta Lynch, to make clear our blog comments, we have NOT violated any copyright infringement and believe that the use of this memed photo covers the Copyright Fair Use requirements for criticism, comment, teaching, research, and reporting.  However, if after considering the above, you feel we are still in violation of copyright law, please send your specific reasoning as to how Fair Use does not apply in this instance and validation of your representation of  “Associated Press “AP” of this particular photo to our legal counsel: …”


Now we happen to have some pretty awesome attorneys that we work with, but don’t let the fact that you may not worry you.  If you are following the rules set forth in The Fair Use Doctrine and you receive such a letter, go consult with an attorney, most will offer a free consultation, and you will find that you are on the right side of the law. 

For an extremely informative read regarding a different company (Getty Images) read THIS BLOG!  And the follow up HERE.  And for a commentary on Getty Images extortion scheme gone wrong, THIS one will make you so happy!

Daniella Cross

Caretaker of 4earth and an Independent Journalist.