January 20, 2017

There has been a lot of “news” steaming up my facebook feed lately.  It is hard to keep up with all the vastly differing opinions on any particular subject and which, “expert” actually knows what he/she is talking about.  I have found, depending upon their politics and who is actually funding the research the “facts” directly correlate to the party line; just like an expert witness in a court case…their paid testimony can make or break the case.  And, most of the time, each side has its own, “expert witness” bought and paid to sway the jury.  Such is the case, with the Global Warming alarmists.  I think we all knew that there was no way we were going to get through this election and past the Inauguration without the doom and gloom, man-made global warmers heating things up.  After all, it was President Obama who claimed that Climate Change was more dangerous than ISIS; “I’m more worried about climate change than ISIS!”  Hmmm, well ok… perhaps he was speaking for himself personally and not the country in general. Which brings me to a few environmental stories that have made the rounds lately.

The first one that caught my attention last week, was regarding volcanos and their negligent effect on global warming, climate change, etc.  For decades it had been scientifically accepted that the gasses, debris, pollution, and heat emitted from volcanos, especially Super Volcanos erupting, had a profound effect on the environment.  A simple internet search, 10 years ago would prove this.  However, it seems that the scientists were just doing the math wrong and have found that volcanos are not as harmful to the planet as man-made, gasses, debris, pollution and heat, which we all know causes Global warming AND Climate Change!  Now a simple google search shows that the data was wrong and volcano’s put out a “sustainable” amount of emissions.  Ummm, anyone out there remember Mount St. Hellens?  I wonder how quickly the “facts” would change if three major volcanos erupted at the same time.  Take Krakatoa for instance, which was the largest recorded volcanic eruption in 1883.  So violent was this eruption that global temperatures were on the chilly side all around the globe due to the massive amounts of reflective volcanic aerosols that were ejected into the atmosphere.  Ironically, the lack of the sun’s ray also affected the ocean’s water temperature…no kidding, without the warmth of the sun, the oceans cooled and continued to stay cool for almost a century!  Weird right.  I read one scientific report that said if it hadn’t been for Krakatoa erupting we would be seeing our current, “global warming” intensified and perhaps at a critical point of us spontaneously combusting.  The spontaneously combusting part was mine.  Well, thank God, for natural disasters to stave off man’s desire to kill our planet with man-made Global Warming! 

So this brings me to the important news of the day.  “Earth Sets a Temperature Record for the Third Straight Year”  New York Times (01/19/2017)  Inspired as I was, while looking at the 3 feet of melting snow in my yard, I read the entire article!  Low and behold, in the second paragraph, “Trump”.  Obviously, Trump hates people and wants us all to burn in a global catastrophe after the earth floods and floats all of the ISIS armies to our shores!  Remember it IS Global warming that created ISIS!  It’s really damn hot in the Middle East ya know!  So back to the article…evidently, the earth has gotten hotter, and for the past 3 years, each year slightly hotter than the next.  After the Anti-Trump paragraph, the next was a mixture of undisputed scientific “facts” and the “profound threat” this warming will have on the “civilization” of the entire world!!!  We are all going to die…unless we live, and that is an undisputed fact!  Then the next paragraph stated this:  “In 2015 and 2016, the planetary warming was intensified by the weather pattern known as El Niño, in which the Pacific Ocean released a huge burst of energy and water vapor into the atmosphere. But the bigger factor in setting the records was the long-term trend of rising temperatures, which scientists say is being driven by increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses.”    Wait a minute!  Did Trump create this YUGE burst of energy in the Pacific Ocean, or was it the Russians? Although the article did mention China.  It must be man-made!  Let’s look into this…and the rabbit trail begins.


At the very beginning of the rabbit hole, I stumble on a fault, (through no fault of my own–not man-made) literally a Pacific underwater fault! “Massive amounts of heat pulsing from the earth!”  Geologist, James Edward Kamis.  By the way, Kamis is/was a strong propagator of the Man-Made Global warming theory.  On Oct. 12, 2015, some scientists noticed that a hole had been created in the sea ice directly above a fault line in the Gakkel Ridge Rift / Fault System.    

The Gakkel ridge is a gigantic chain of underwater volcanoes snaking 1,800 kilometers (1,100 miles) beneath the Arctic Ocean from the northern tip of Greenland to Siberia. So, a big hole was punched out of the ice due to systemic activity (tectonic plates moving and volcanos erupting).  All of this super-charged heat and gasses broke through the ice and flew right into heavens.  Hold the phone…VOLCANOS?  This wasn’t on the news so it certainly can’t be true!  Oh, it gets better! 

Let’s wander over to Guam and learn something about heating, venting and cooling—HVAC to the layman.  A few years ago, a group of scientists started focusing their attention to the waters near Guam and discovered a natural phenomenon called the “Global Chimney”.  According to an article by the Scientific American, By Kevin Schultz, July 17, 2014 (Giant Global “Chimney” Could Alter Climate Change. Understanding how ocean gases are pumped into the upper atmosphere could help predict and even regulate our future world environment) this chimney thing seems to cause havoc on our global environment.  So now I want to know more about this recently discovered “Global Chimney”   “A sparsely populated part of the western tropical Pacific Ocean, known as the “global chimney,” boasts the world’s warmest ocean temperatures and vents massive volumes of warm gases from the surface high into the atmosphere, which may shape global climate and air chemistry enough to impact billions of people worldwide..”  Credit: Rebecca Hornbrook  

What are scientists saying about this “Giant Chimney”  and why haven’t I heard about this if it can affect “Billions” of people in the world?  “There are a lot of consequences from this type of air motion,” says Elliot Atlas, professor of marine and atmospheric chemistry at the University of Miami and a principal investigator for the project. “There is a link between the chemistry that goes on in this type of air motion and the subsequent effects on the trace gasses and aerosols in the atmosphere that ultimately impact climate.”   Here is a rendering of this global chimney: (Artist Credit to NCAR)

We have many gasses in our atmosphere, such as, chlorofluorocarbons (bad), and bromine compounds (bad), which are mostly man-made and can hang out in the stratosphere for years.  However, bromine a compound generally found in fire extinguishers, which is much more reactive than chlorofluorocarbons, is also produced in large quantities in nature.  I just read all about Bromine and my head is full, I suggest you fill your head as well.  I did discover, however, that this element is found mostly in saltwater, (um, like the many vast oceans around the world) and in the earth’s crust as well as in decaying things.  “Natural salt deposits and brines are the main sources of bromine and its compounds. Jordan, Israel, and China led the world in bromine production in the early 21st century;”   Ah HA!  The New York Times was right, Trump and China are causing global warming which is creating climate change!  How did I not put 2 and 2 together?  Alright, back to the chimney.  Just like in your house fireplace, the chimney vents not only the gasses and heat from your fire, it is not discriminatory, it will certainly suck all the heat from your home, like a huge vacuum right into the outside world. I tell my kids all the time, “shut the fireplace doors, that’s money going up the chimney!”  The same thing has been RECENTLY discovered with this Global Chimney in this area of the Pacific Ocean and, “The planet’s climate ultimately becomes altered when these gasses (natural) start to affect the amount of energy from the sun that is allowed to reach Earth’s surface or is stored in the atmosphere. Besides increasing or decreasing the levels of ozone in the upper atmosphere, some of the chemicals also contribute directly to the greenhouse effect. For example, added water vapor pumped into the upper atmosphere from the chimney increases the amount of energy trapped there, in turn heating the planet further.”  I added the word, NATURAL into this quote, because we really shouldn’t have confusion here with regards to the earth’s natural emissions from underwater faults spewing gasses and underwater volcanoes erupting, as well as the effects of decay,  that gets sucked into this global chimney and pushed into our upper atmosphere.  There has also been a much smaller chimney discovered in the Asian monsoon circulation, which is predominate in the summer season and creates a path from the lower atmosphere to the higher stratosphere.  Remember, these NATURAL emissions are considered to affect Billions of people and are just now being studied.  Ross Salawitch, a University of Maryland, College Park, professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences states,  “And although the collection process is now over, the scientists have a lot of data to sift through before they can say for sure what exactly is happening in this chimney and what its future impact on the world’s climate could be. “The data collected during these missions will stand as benchmarks for testing how well the tropics are represented in computer simulations and in forecasts of future climate,”  Well, ok then..about 5 years of data collection should show a LOT (insert sarcasm font here) regarding how much these underwater volcanoes, faults, decaying ocean life, and salt are actually affecting the climate.  I thought that we already knew this…but alas we are well informed! Google searches result in the assertion that Global Warming and Climate change are mostly man-made and have very little to do with volcanos?  Ahhh, must be the changing tide of science, tossed to and fro.  After all, according to Al Gore, the North Pole would be ice-free by now, which it’s NOT!  In January 2006, Al Gore posited “within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return” and “a true planetary emergency” due to global warming.”  PLANETARY EMERGENCY!  Now that was scary!  Guess we dodged that bullet.

What I have learned by my own personal research today, is that we have some superheated, chemically charged water, caused by underwater seismic activity, that happens every once and a while causing the phenomena we know as El Nino.  From everything I have researched, nowhere did I find humans lighting these underwater volcanos on fire, or that offshore drilling was causing the earth’s plates to move.  So, El Nino heats and La Nina cools…what are they trying to convey here with those gender-specific names anyway?  Even, Kamis states, “Even though the October 12 event was associated with an extensive earthquake swarm, a huge methane release, and a significant series of volcanic eruptions along the Gakkel Ridge, it was, and still is dismissed as insignificant by most climate scientists advocating the theory of man-made global warming,”   As I write this, there is just no denying climate change (we see what you did there scientists) as last week we saw record snowfalls, sub-zero temperatures and now it is 37 degrees and the snow is melting causing lots of water on the roads.  Moreover, this winter Jerusalem saw heavy snowfall for the first time in four years and that means the tensions caused by the heat should calm the Middle East down for a while…right?  So who can deny Climate Change?  It’s been changing forever and will continue with this pattern.

Please do not misunderstand why I felt the need to compose this.  I firmly believe that we are stewards of the earth and are responsible to keep it healthy.  However, I also know that people can be easily controlled, agendas fulfilled and money made when a man-made crisis is created.  People tend to be gullible, intellectually lazy and have the propensity to buy into whatever is pandered to them.  I think I will forward this blog entry to Dom Tullipso (pronounced, “too-YEEP-so” because the L’s are silent) to get his views on the subject.

But for now, it seems that we should focus our hysteria and fears on things that we can not control, like that friggen, YUGE, “Global Chimney!” that is sucking the life out of us!   Oh wait, never mind, no money to be made there…”it’s all going right up the chimney!”


(Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and a featured writer.)

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.




Insurance is not driving the car… 

Insurance is not driving the car…

March 23, 2017

Food for thought:

“It is a law that everyone who drives, has auto insurance. However, not everyone who has auto insurance can afford to keep their car in pristine, running order. Now, why is that?

So if the government paid for our car insurance, would everyone have a car in perfect running order?

Oh, that’s right, that’s not the purpose of car insurance…to keep what you have insured in good working order.

Guess what, it’s not the purpose of health Insurance either!”


Daniella Cross is the caretaker of 4Earth and featured writer.

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.


Is the World really overpopulated? 

Is the World really overpopulated?

January 6, 2007

 I am just sick of hearing that the world is overpopulated.  If people could have a tangible view of the true scope of the world population then perhaps they would stop spouting all this CRAP! 

People starve in this world because of greed and the need for power.  Control people’s bellies and you control them!  Trust me, the powers that govern in the poorest countries in the world do not live as those whom they govern.  They have pretty nice digs and drive very sweet vehicles!

Let’s take a visual snapshot:


Here is the math:

Texas has 261,797 square miles of Land (this does not include the miles of water)

1 sq mile = 27,878,400 sq feet

7,298,481,484,800 total sq feet of Texas

Divide that by the number of people in the world:

6,602,224,175 (July 2007 est.)  So if you want to do the math just change the current number of people.

1,105 Sq. feet Home per person…PER PERSON!

Ok, well let’s take my family of 7.  We would have a 7,735 sq foot house!  HOT DOG!  We live in a fraction of that now!  And imagine if you made high-rise buildings, say, 50 stories…give half the population the apartment life and the other houses.  We would have parks, yards and lots of space. 

Now understand this is hypothetical, and just a model to give the reader an understanding of how big our planet really is and to PROVE that we are NOT running out of space.  Our world is just being mismanaged and people are starving, NOT because we cannot produce enough food, OR that we are running out of space; we just have a sin nature filled with greed and corruption.  It has been well known for millennia;  You can easily control the populace by controlling the food.


Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and the featured writer.






January 22, 2018



Everyone was Trump’s friend before he ran and won the US Presidency! The premises behind his HIT show, The Apprentice, which ran for 12 seasons–TWELVE– did NOT focus on, sex, immoral behavior, lying or cheating. No, quite the opposite. Its goal was to create groups of people who could work together as a team, support one another until, finally one person showed they were the best candidate to run a successful business. And if you take a moment to see where these Apprentice winners are now–even many of the losers–you may be shocked at how being on this show changed their lives.



Not ONLY did most of Hollywood adore Trump, so did the majority of Politicians. Was it because he was RICH and POWERFUL and they felt he could be helpful to them? Well, that is obvious! He was so liked and such an American Icon that Major Corporations hired him to advertise their products. Companies such as Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, Verizon, Visa, Office Depot, Dominos Pizza, TV Land, Macy’s, Serta, and a myriad of guest appearances, proved that America Loved Trump! The aforementioned companies that hired Trump to sell their products, were NOT racist, not homophobic, nor were they misogynist, women-hating companies! Their BOTTOM LINE was to reach as many people, from as many demographics and ethnic diversities as possible to get them to buy their product. AND THEY HIRED DONALD TRUMP to do it! Why? Well simply because even though he was a successful billionaire, land developer, he had this ability to relate to the AMERICAN PEOPLE, no matter their race, gender or financial status. America loved Trump and so did all the companies that hired him to push their product.

So understanding that NOTHING is a secret in politics, Hollywood or in the business world, well at least NOT to the insiders; someone, please explain to me how, if Trump is this horrible, “misogynist”, “racist”, “homophobe”, especially in the time that everyone loved him, were they just turning a blind eye to all of this? Were THEY ALL pretending to fool and lie to the American public about this man just to sell their products? Were politicians like the Clinton’s taking YUGE contributions from him just to further their political careers, using funds from a DEPLORABLE person? Were all these Hollywood celebrities begging to be on his A-list just to use him? Did Black men like the infamous Jesse Jackson stand up in front of the C-SPAN cameras and call Donald Trump a RACIST? Did Jackson Expose Trump for the Racist the Left now claims he is? Or was he just pimping Trump for his own agenda? And did Trump go along with this lie simply to help out Jesse Jackson in his quest to better the lives of Blacks and Minorities? Was this all a lie, a performance by both Trump and Jackson? A COLLUSION Perhaps!

The absolute bottom line is: Either they were lying then or they are lying now! A lie is still a lie…




Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and the featured writer.




ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.










Montana Man 

Montana Man

February 2, 2018


There are times…many times when we simply miss opportunities.  We are a culture of, keep to ourselves people, stick to our own ilk, clique comfort zone.  But, when we understand how brief and precious our existence actually is, we will know how to seize those opportunities that most miss.  Tonight, for instance, my husband and I celebrated our 36th anniversary of blissful matrimony; and I sincerely mean that.  I have never in my 50 some-odd years breathing upon this earth known anyone who has had what my amazing husband and I have…we have IT…but it is not what I  want to share with you…it is beyond that.  So tonight, we went to a very fancy, extremely overpriced restaurant, but the quintessential place to be on one’s 36 anniversary.  As we were seated, and as irony would have it, this was the VERY first time that we have been seated in a restaurant and not changed tables–we are just weird that way.  So, upon being seated at a lovely window table, with spectacular 7th-floor views of Lake Coeur d’Alene, I quickly scanned those sitting around us, searching for a soul or two that might engage our extroverted personalities.  Of course, my senses went directly to the table behind the table behind us.  They were loud and happy and appeared to be, our kind of people.  Albeit, we would have to shout past the meek couple who sat directly behind us, who were so nondescript I would be redundant to explain that I can’t even remember them to describe them.  However, directly across from us, well slightly to my left, was a man…he was sitting in a large booth.  At first glance, he appeared to be sitting alone, but to his left was a glass of white wine and to his right a glass of red.  A large bottle of Avion or some other designer water sat to his right.  My first bit of uncontrolled small talk to this stranger was to inquire if he was alone or if his dinner date was just momentarily absent.  I mean, really white wine and red wine—blasphemy!


The stranger told us that indeed he was alone and was just traveling through our city on his way to Montana.  I noticed an accent and asked where he was from, and without missing a beat he said, Montana.  Knowing that most people from Montana do not have a European accent, I pressed on…”no, really where are you actually from?”  “France” he said.  So after a few minutes of minutia small talk, I said,  “so what do you do in Montana?”  Now, this is where we took a large turn from attorney-client to client-attorney…he said, he does a lot of things but without hesitation and before I could even spit out another word he began asking us about our lives…what we did, how many kids we had, about our life…  I saw what you did there Montana Man.  That is our line of questioning.  But we did find out a little about you…you love to write; you don’t think your audience to be idiots and actually think quite kindly of them.  You adore the San Juan Islands and even gave us a brief history lesson.  We didn’t get into the Pig war or the War of San Juan but you did talk about Grant and the San Juan’s with a sense of passion. 


My point for writing this is to encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone and to embrace the man from Montana who is sitting right next to you!  Yes, it may be brief and you may NEVER meet again.  But, meeting, even for a moment can make lasting memories and can even change the course of history.  You just don’t know. 




Daniella Cross is the caretaker of 4Earth and Featured writer.

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.


Nature has a way of making fools out of the foolish!

January 16, 2017

Not a fan of California’s politics but glad they have water again! Nature has a way of stabilizing itself and making fools out of the foolish… Here is a good example of this. Credit for this piece goes to Tyler Durden. Look here!


Daniella Cross is the caretaker of 4Earth and featured writer.

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.


Obama admits NOT RUSSIA! 

Obama admits NOT RUSSIA!

March 20, 2018

It is time we stop this delusion. What we see here, clearly shows how Obama lied and lied and lied to the American people. Every time he says, “DEMOCRACY” I cringe. And yes, Obama, Democracies use force or mob rule to get what they want…they even use the FBI, the DOJ and the CIA to try to manipulate the election results.


In this little speech of yours, you made it extremely evident how a newly elected President should be treated. You stated that no outside entity could change the election results…you blatantly chastised Trump for his suspicious that the Democrats were up to no good…AND THEN, YOUR PARTY LOST! NOT RUSSIA!

No one; I don’t think even Trump knew the depths of corruption your administration went to in assuring that Clinton would win…it was so insidious that when she lost a narrative HAD TO BE CREATED and fast to blindside the public, especially the Democrats. And even though, Obama gave this speech, convincing the world that Clinton would win, FAIR AND SQUARE and belittling Trump, but CLINTON LOST. And then, RUSSIA, RUSSIA RUSSIA! In true ignorant form, the LIBS bought this, hook, line and sinker. The more they tried to cover their tracks, the deeper the distraction (Russia), the closer we have come to the truth. And every distraction thrown up (Guns) will not sway the truth from bubbling to the top of the swamp!


This needs to be viewed over and over again and one more time for good measure. NO ONE held Obama to task for this! I want to see CNN run this clip now, as they were so quick to run it last year. RUN THIS AGAIN CNN, MSNBC, CBS, FOX…





Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and featured writer.




ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.





Al Gore! Al Gore Predicted the North Pole Will Be Ice Free in 5 Years 

Al Gore! Al Gore Predicted the North Pole Will Be Ice Free in 5 Years

September 6, 2015


I found the best website ever on Al Gores predictions…


Daniella Cross is the caretaker of 4Earth and featured writer.

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.


People and Politics! 

People and Politics!

February 29, 2016

Man, life is getting a bit crazy these days!  In my 50 some odd years, I didn’t think I would live long enough to see some of the things that have happened in just the last few years!  We have Gays suing Christians for not submitting to their will.  We have gay’s able to legally marry…we have a once looked up to superstar athlete who is a man, now living as a woman.  We have a white woman who lied her way into a leadership role at the NAACP by pretending to be black.  Public schools are forcing kids to learn, and in some cases, commit to the Islamic faith.  We have a President who has caused more racial division than any other in American history.  A Black Thug steals from and then attacks a shop owner, and then a cop…gets shot and killed, the town is destroyed by blacks rioting for this “injustice” and the thug gets a plaque to remember him by.   Black Lives Matter group comes on the scene and is only about killing cop’s and “whities” because ONLY black lives matter…unless you live in one of the cities where blacks kill blacks at a disproportionate rate.  We have seen the Planned Parent videos showing that PP, encourages abortions so they can collect and sell baby parts, and the best part is that people who exposed this heinous crime are the ones facing jail time!  We have people burning OUR American flag and no one really seems to care, we have the BLM stealing land and killing people for it.  I never thought I would see people being beheaded on youtube—I mean, isn’t that a place to watch your favorite music videos?  So much stuff has happened. 


Daniella Cross is the caretaker of 4Earth and featured writer.

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.



Pipeline Propaganda…Follow the Money to EarthJustice! 

Pipeline Propaganda…Follow the Money to EarthJustice!

November 4, 2016

Put it in your pipe and smoke it!

I am getting so tired of people who just get a little bit of information and RUN with it! This is how it has become with our digital age.  No one wants to take any time to do a little research or to even stop and think logically about any particular issue!  Their emotions get tickled and they are off to the races…even our media doesn’t do any investigative reporting anymore.  Gone are the days of, “The Rest of the Story.”  People are simply content with, “some of the story,” or the “partial story,” “what makes me feel good (or bad) story,”  but so few actually want to know, the TRUTH of the story, or to even think beyond the Story Line of the story!

So this brings me to the Dakota Access Pipeline and all the emotion and media attention and protesting that is going on in North Dakota.  I am not going to be laborious to the text, I just want to bring to view a few facts that most people are not even willing to or just too lazy to investigate…so here is your spoon, open wide!  First, I want to point out that this pipeline was years in the planning.  It didn’t happen overnight; many, many meetings, discussions, and planning boards were convened prior to the heavy equipment coming out to dig.  “For over two years, the pipeline company, North Dakotan politicians, and the public have discussed their priorities in countless townhalls. They brought forward questions and problems, debated permit rights and eminent domain, and finally reached a proposal that was satisfactory to everyone who participated.”  Guess who wasn’t at ANY of these meetings?  Take a wild guess who didn’t protest this proposed pipeline, even though they were privy and invited to all of the meetings regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline!  THAT’S RIGHT, the Native Tribes that are NOW protesting!  Perhaps this is because there is ALREADY A PIPELINE under the same ground that has been there since 1982!  Where were all the protesters when the Northern Borderline went in?  Both pipelines follow a similar route over these, “sacred grounds”…oh wait, is it about the sacred ground or now about safe water…sorry, it is hard to keep up!    I’ll tell you what is different about this pipeline; PROPAGANDA for a PROFIT!  A profit is not always money in hand, it is sometimes about fulfilling an agenda, and in this case, the agenda stems from, “the selfish desire of white American environmentalists to stop fossil fuels, regardless of popular opinion or consequences.”  Yes, I quoted, WHITE!   This pipeline has nothing to do with the Native Americans or else they would have thrown a fit 2 years ago when this process all started.  They would have been at all the meetings fighting this!  But no!  However, when people like EarthJustice got a sniff of this potential windfall of recognition to further their fossil fuel hating agenda, that is when the real sparks began to fly. 

Most of these members were less than toddlers when the original Northern Border Line went in and the only thing they could protest was poopy diapers!  So you have a very savvy, tree-hugging org. jumping on an unfounded crisis faster than Al Sharpton got to Ferguson and lit a match.  First, they convinced the Natives that their sacred land would be desecrated and when that wasn’t enough, it boiled down to the water!  WATER!  Good play, EarthJustice, I see what you did there…Flint Michigan anyone?  Then you add some Stanford college students with The Stanford American Indian Organization (SAIO) to the mix and you have a bunch of snot-nosed, white privileged, (yep, I said white privileged) college kids that have NEVER worked a day in their lives, all of a sudden so concerned about a pipeline that is going to run almost parallel to an existing line!  Oh, and by the way, wandering over to their website, this is what I encountered: A blank page with the words-  “The Stanford American Indian Organization (SAIO) is revamping our website!” Ironic now isn’t it, now they have a purpose, better capitalize on it, get those donations pouring in!

2 lines, one protest!

The irony of this is that we all know what fueled the flames at Ferguson and we all clearly understand (now) that the Black Lives Matter Terrorists were born from that conception of lies.  So why are we letting ourselves be deceived again by propaganda mongers?  This is ALL a propaganda move from the Left.  The Natives didn’t start this protest, a bunch of opportunistic attorneys at EarthJustice did!  Although, this is simply my personal opinion on the subject and I am entitled to my opinions…So now you have, THE REST OF THE STORY…Good Day!


Surprise: Dakota Access Pipeline Follows Existing Gas Line Through Protested Area


Daniella Cross is the caretaker of 4Earth and featured writer.

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.