Pro-Choice is not just a before birth concept! School Choice! 

Pro-Choice is not just a before birth concept! School Choice!

February 23, 2018



So why do the Democrats in our government oppose supporting school vouchers? This article from 2009, 9 years ago, makes it all pretty clear! “The political pressure will be coming exclusively from the teacher’s unions who oppose the vouchers, just as they oppose No Child Left Behind and charter schools and every other effort at reforming public schools that continue to fail the nation’s most vulnerable young people, low-income blacks and Hispanics.” TEACHERS UNIONS? Why in the world would teachers oppose such things? I understand that if vouchers were made available, and this is the goal of Betsy DeVos (DOE), lots of kids would pull out of the public school system…This would cause, ummm, hmmm, this would cause the public schools to have a lower student population and less funding and they would actually have to COMPETE with schools that are putting out a better product!

Now the general public doesn’t think this is a bad idea, why would the teachers union which is, by the way, one of the largest unions in our country! Maybe this– “The National Education Association and other teachers’ unions have put millions into Democrats’ congressional campaigns because they oppose Republican efforts to challenge unions on their resistance to school reform and specifically their refusal to support ideas such as performance-based pay for teachers who raise students’ test scores,” “PERFORMANCE-BASED PAY!” This is a concept that is embraced in every aspect of our society. In any job you are evaluated by your performance…tenure is not an integral aspect of our capitalist society. It certainly plays a part in some businesses, but if you’re not on your game, you get demoted or fired! Why do the teachers, who are a part of the union think they should not be held to the same standards?

“Education politics are big business in America, often pitting institutionalized interests like the NEA against parents and kids. And, equally unfortunate there are far too many people who are in a position to right the wrongs who are taking advantage of their ability to opt-out of the discussion, at least as far as their own children are concerned.”

So, once again, school vouchers are back on the table and Betsy Devos is pushing hard on this issue. “DeVos, a long-time school choice advocate from Michigan, was the architect of Detroit’s school charter system and formerly led the Alliance for School Choice advocacy group. She headed the American Federation for Children — which backs school choice for poor and underprivileged families” The irony is that people (Democrats) that voted against her nomination to the DOE have THEIR kids in private schools! Obama who nixed the DC vouchers has HIS KIDS in private schools! I find it interesting and almost laughable that the woman who is a gazillionaire, and is fighting to allow poor, underprivileged kids to go to school with her grandchildren, is being fought tooth and nail by the Establishment and the Teachers Union!  So, the next time you, especially you teachers, bash this woman, just remember, if you are swimming with the alligators and the carp, you won’t survive long outside your swamp!








Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and the featured writer.




ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.




Rain Rain go away don’t come back until the Government say! 

Rain Rain go away don’t come back until the Government say!

September 6, 2014

This is pretty disturbing if you ask me.  While America is inhaling the poppies magically planted by the Current administration our freedoms are being stolen from us.  So rain is something that comes from the sky…no one owns it…NO ONE!  Until now.  In some states, THEY OWN IT!  Can you imagine a state owning the water that comes from the sky?  I mean really, that rain could have come from 2 states over.  OR even from the ocean!  I don’t see Posidean shutting down people’s rainwater collections!  Where do these states get off telling people they can’t use rainwater for their own personal purposes?  Colorado?  Washington, Utah?  What say you?

“(NaturalNews) Many of the freedoms we enjoy here in the U.S. are quickly eroding as the nation transforms from the land of the free into the land of the enslaved, but what I’m about to share with you takes the assault on our freedoms to a whole new level. You may not be aware of this, but many Western states, including Utah, Washington, and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties because, according to officials, that rain belongs to someone else.As bizarre as it sounds, laws restricting property owners from “diverting” water that falls on their own homes and land have been on the books for quite some time in many Western states. Only recently, as droughts and renewed interest in water conservation methods have become more common, have individuals and business owners started butting heads with law enforcement over the practice of collecting rainwater for personal use.Check out this YouTube video of a news report out of Salt Lake City, Utah, about the issue. It’s illegal in Utah to divert rainwater without a valid water right, and Mark Miller of Mark Miller Toyota, found this out the hard way.  After constructing a large rainwater collection system at his new dealership to use for washing new cars, Miller found out that the project was actually an “unlawful diversion of rainwater.” Even though it makes logical conservation sense to collect rainwater for this type of use since rain is scarce in Utah, it’s still considered a violation of water rights which apparently belong exclusively to Utah’s various government bodies.  “Utah’s the second driest state in the nation. Our laws probably ought to catch up with that,” explained Miller in response to the state’s ridiculous rainwater collection ban.Salt Lake City officials worked out a compromise with Miller and are now permitting him to use “their” rainwater, but the fact that individuals like Miller don’t actually own the rainwater that falls on their property is a true indicator of what little freedom we actually have here in the U.S. (Access to the rainwater that falls on your own property seems to be a basic right, wouldn’t you agree?)Outlawing rainwater collection in other states Utah isn’t the only state with rainwater collection bans, either. Colorado and Washington also have rainwater collection restrictions that limit the free use of rainwater, but these restrictions vary among different areas of the states and legislators have passed some laws to help ease the restrictions.In Colorado, two new laws were recently passed that exempt certain small-scale rainwater collection systems, like the kind people, might install on their homes, from collection restrictions.Prior to the passage of these laws, Douglas County, Colorado, conducted a study on how rainwater collection affects aquifer and groundwater supplies. The study revealed that letting people collect rainwater on their properties actually reduces demand from water facilities and improves conservation.Personally, I don’t think a study was even necessary to come to this obvious conclusion. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that using rainwater instead of tap water is a smart and useful way to conserve this valuable resource, especially in areas like the West where drought is a major concern.Additionally, the study revealed that only about three percent of Douglas County’s precipitation ended up in the streams and rivers that are supposedly being robbed from by rainwater collectors. The other 97 percent either evaporated or seeped into the ground to be used by plants.This hints at why bureaucrats can’t really use the argument that collecting rainwater prevents that water from getting to where it was intended to go. So little of it actually makes it to the final destination that virtually every household could collect many rain barrels worth of rainwater and it would have practically no effect on the amount that ends up in streams and rivers. It’s all about control;  long as people remain unaware and uninformed about important issues, the government will continue to chip away at the freedoms we enjoy. The only reason these water restrictions are finally starting to change for the better is because people started to notice and they worked to do something to reverse the law.Even though these laws restricting water collection have been on the books for more than 100 years in some cases, they’re slowly being reversed thanks to efforts by citizens who have decided that enough is enough.Because if we can’t even freely collect the rain that falls all around us, then what, exactly, can we freely do? The rainwater issue highlights a serious overall problem in America today: diminishing freedom and increased government control.Today, we’ve basically been reprogrammed to think that we need permission from the government to exercise our inalienable rights, when in fact, the government is supposed to derive its power from us. The American Republic was designed so that the government would serve the People to protect and uphold freedom and liberty. But increasingly, our own government is restricting people from their rights to engage in commonsense, fundamental actions such as collecting rainwater or buying raw milk from the farmer next door.Today, we are living under a government that has slowly siphoned off our freedoms, only to occasionally grant us back a few limited ones under the pretense that they’re doing us a benevolent favor.Fight back against enslavement. As long as people believe their rights stem from the government (and not the other way around), they will always be enslaved. And whatever rights and freedoms we think we still have will be quickly eroded by a system of bureaucratic power that seeks only to expand its control.Because the same argument that’s now being used to restrict rainwater collection could, of course, be used to declare that you have no right to the air you breathe, either. After all, governments could declare that air to be somebody else’s air, and then they could charge you an “air tax” or an “air royalty” and demand you pay money for every breath that keeps you alive.Think it couldn’t happen? Just give it time. The government already claims it owns your land and house, effectively. If you really think you own your home, just stop paying property taxes and see how long you still “own” it. Your county or city will seize it and then sell it to pay off your “tax debt.” That proves who really owns it in the first place… and it’s not you!How about the question of who owns your body? According to the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, U.S. corporations and universities already own 20% of your genetic code. Your own body, they claim, is partially the property of someone else.So if they own your land, your water, and your body, how long before they claim to own your air, your mind and even your soul?Unless we stand up against this tyranny, it will creep up on us, day after day, until we find ourselves totally enslaved by a world of corporate-government collusion where everything of value is owned by powerful corporations — all enforced at gunpoint by local law enforcement.”

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Daniella Cross is the caretaker of 4Earth and featured Writer.

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.



Resurrection of the dead KKK 

Resurrection of the dead KKK

September 1, 2017


I am convinced that what happened in Charlottesville was contrived! I firmly believe that the originally planned and permitted, peaceful protest regarding the Robert E. Lee Statue being removed, began as just that. Normal folks who went out because they didn’t want their history taken away. But considering that the Russia conspiracy had failed to fool the American people, the Left NEEDED another distraction. You will notice that Antifa has been around, harassing, inciting violence and causing destruction for quite a while now, but they had NO Nemesis to combat them…they just wandered from place to place without a real purpose except to cause mayhem. Although they CLAIMED they fought against racism and bigotry and (I chuckle here) fascism, they had NO REAL, tangible objects, just what they tried to deceive people of. They pointed a finger at every conservative screaming, “racist!”, but there was no one playing that part and the public was beginning to catch on. To me and those in the know, this was blatantly obvious from the get-go.

So, boom, Charlottesville! Now just like the whole Russia thing quickly transpired out of thin air, so did these Hirelings that were in Charlottesville that day to represent the bad guys that Antifa was supposedly fighting against. And the country said–“look they still do exist!” And for a brief moment, the head of the Antifa snake smiled, accomplishing exactly the emotion desired from the American people, fooling even those on the Right! And no one thought it was odd that all of a sudden the KKK was resurrected? For over a year, Antifa had employed Nazi tactics going as far as wearing Swastika’s on their helmets and fashioning flags that were ironically similar to the SS flag and people were noticing who they really were, until…Charlottesville! And the country swallowed this story, hook, line, and sinker.

But look, Antifa showed their Communist card just a bit too early, they even had some on the right like Mitt Romney sympathizing with them as they built their KKK narrative, and facebook folks on the right were too afraid to point out the truth that this was all fabricated, because they saw the “hate” and the “White Supremacists” with their very eyes, and to claim this was all contrived would make them out to be the very thing Antifa was supposedly fighting against! So they were forced to condemn the KKK and the White Supremacist’s because, you know, “Love TRUMPS Hate.” Ahh, but I digress…the Commie card was spoken and heard all around the World: “NO TRUMP, NO WALL, NO USA AT ALL!” Now one would think that this would be the end of the Antifa delusion and Republican Politicians like Romney, McCain & Rubio, who defended Antifa’s actions in Charlottesville would come to their senses and see that this Communist group is actually trying to destroy the very fabric of our country. The bigger problem here is, very few are actually THINKING and have fallen under some sort of spell. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12



Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and the featured writer.




ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.












 Rumpelstiltskin Was a Troll! Calling OUT Internet TROLLS By their REAL NAME!

Rumpelstiltskin Was a Troll! Calling OUT Internet TROLLS By their REAL NAME!

May 1, 2019

People who bully have always been a great concern to me. And now we live in a digital age where people hide behind their devices, use fake profile names and get a psychotic thrill out bullying people. Society has come to accept these internet bullies or Trolls, and simply shake their heads and say, “just ignore them.” But as we read story after story of people getting so harassed and so upset by these Psychopaths THAT THEY TAKE THEIR OWN LIVES!  Literally, 1000’s of people, most under the age of 25, take their own lives due to the psychological effects of cyberbullying or Trolling.  There really isn’t much difference in those two terms except a cyberbully generally knows their victim and a troll will simply pick on anyone at any time whether they know them or not.  Take 14 yr. old Hannah Smith, for instance, she joined a  website called Ask.Fm, which allows people to post questions and have them answered anonymously. She had eczema and wanted advice about it and to talk about her recent depression. However, she didn’t find support. When her father checked one message that described Hannah’s habitual self-harming, she found that the anonymous users who had responded to the question were insulting her — telling her to “drink bleach,” “go get cancer,” and “die,”  And die she did, she hung herself.  All because NO ONE stopped the Trolls that were pushing her over the edge.


According to Psychology Today, “Psychological studies show trolls tend to be male, show higher levels of psychopathy traits — low levels of empathy, guilt and responsibility for their actions — and higher levels of sadism traits, the enjoyment of causing others physical and psychological pain.”  But the interesting thing about these people is that they seem perfectly normal in person, interacting in society.  Many hold good jobs, own businesses, have lots of friends and only let their Mr. Hyde out online. And the majority cause this mayhem anonymously!

Now for the majority of people that have had experience with an Internet Troll, it gets out of hand rather quickly. Mine was extremely mild.  Considering I am passionate about politics and all things that have an effect on our world and especially my community, I find myself in all sorts of online discussions and debates.  I see Trolls all the time.  However, back in the day, these people were called, “Flamers” and the majority of sites had very strict rules in their user agreements that any type of “FLAMING” would not be tolerated.  I remember quite well being on a College University-sponsored parenting site about 20 years ago and we were discussing potty-training.  Having potty-trained several kids the old-school way, before the age of 2, I felt I was very equipped to participate in this discussion/debate.  At this point in history, people began taking a much more Liberal approach in potty-training, waiting until their children could speak full sentences and assumed they could train themselves and many mothers expressed their frustration of these “late bloomers.”  I made a comment that set off a FIRESTORM and actually quickened so many responses that the University server was overloaded and shut down for a brief period.  My comment?  “People who wait until their child can order a Happy Meal at McDonald’s are simply practicing ‘lazy parenting’.”  Now I was very careful to not call anyone a “lazy parent” and McDonald’s had not even come up in this discussion, so I was not pointing a finger at any one particular participant…but potty-training is a task that takes lots of time and energy.  A FLAME WAR ensued and I had no idea I had even caused it as the Administrators deleted my account before I could even see the hundreds of responses.  They did, however, email me to tell me what I had, inadvertently caused and they were going to use this situation to study “Flaming” and people’s reactions to ideas they do not agree with or like. They agreed that I was not an intentional flamer, but the conflagration began with my comment.  I did have a friend on that site and she showed me where there were many who agreed with my statement, but the majority had completely lost their mind.  Liberals!  And I do have to say, that my seemingly pragmatic comment was met with seething and gnashing of teeth, spiced up with expletives explicitly directly towards me.  So, in hindsight, being deleted from that forum was a blessing.

But when did Flaming become innocuous and lose its standing and standard of protocol in our internet culture?  And, why was that term replaced by the word, TROLL?  According to Ashley Feinberg article on this topic;  “Of course, humans have always had this potential for the irrationally vindictive, but the advent of the internet finally allowed it to thrive. Because as soon as you stuck someone behind a computer, a dangerously insular shield of anonymity came down and, for those inclined, happily took over. In discussing the sort of negotiation tactics that precede a flame war, Norman Johnson, an Associate Professor at Bauer College at the University of Houston explains:  The literature suggests that, compared to face-to-face, the increased incidence of flaming when using computer-mediated communication is due to reductions in the transfer of social cues, which decrease individuals’ concern for social evaluation and fear of social sanctions or reprisals. When social identity and ingroup status are salient, computer mediation can decrease flaming because individuals focus their attention on the social context (and associated norms) rather than themselves. The introduction of anonymity not only made users feel free from the repercussions that might otherwise give them pause, but it also dehumanized potential targets. In other words, the internet gave all our worst impulses just what they needed to thrive. Because if someone disagreed with you in the real, live social realm, you might feel frustrated, sure, but you’ll also see that person’s as another human with human emotions—not just a jumble of inflammatory words for you to destroy. You’ll take time to reflect because you’ll realize there are consequences to your actions. Whereas on the internet, a clean slate is a mere username change away. Some of the earliest flame wars went down on Usenet, which unbeknownst to these earlier warriors, was building a model for all the trolls to eventually come in its wake.”  She goes on to identify these people in their infant internet form.  “The earliest documented form of internet troll was something called a net.weenie, who did what s/he does ” just for the hell of it.” In early internet usenet forums, they were the people being assholes simply for the sheer joy of being an asshole.”  Not much has changed, except these Trolls have propagated as more and more people jumped on the Netstream.   And, in our current tolerance of extremely bad behavior, and the Liberal Left believing that they have carte blanche to say whatever they want to whomever they want.  There really are many theories as to why and whom first used the term, “Troll” to describe a total internet ass but nonetheless, it seems to exemplify the actions of that loathsome, little creature that lurks in the dark shadows, under the bridge while also portraying that cruel little monster, Rumplestiltskin as he steals one’s dignity and dances around the flame he caused, holding your precious baby…confident you will NEVER guess his REAL name.  This is what gives Trolls, their perceived power over people; anonymity!  That is their Achilles heel and by speaking their REAL NAME OUT LOUD, poof, just like that, they drop the baby and disappear…only for a short time, until they find another alias that suits them.

The reason I felt compelled to write about his topic is several-fold.  First, I had an up-close and personal, confrontation with a Troll on a friend’s page as well as on a Facebook buying/selling page, with the SAME TROLL.  The first interaction wasn’t really anything to get my panties in a wad, I just figured that my facebook friend had a serious Jerk as a friend.  I think we all have at least one or two of them as our own facebook friends; the ones that you must be at the ready to delete their unnecessary, rude comment.  But then, this same person responded to a group post I had made in one of our local buy & sell facebook pages. He knew that he had gotten a rise out of me the first time and was ready to start round two.  His comment was quite snarky and completely inappropriate. I quickly deleted my entire listing because I didn’t want 65 thousand people seeing what this jerk posted on my personal item I was trying to sell.  I had witnessed, over the years many Trolls on various different websites and had even done quite a bit of research into the emotional trauma they purposefully cause people to the extremely sad point of pushing some people over the edge that they take their own lives.  The more I thought about what this person did, the more I thought about all the emotionally weak,  gentle, fragile people that Cyber Bullies like this Troll effect and that started to get to me, in a really big way!  I decided to see if we had any mutual friends and indeed we did.  What happened next is what has really disturbed me.  I contacted these people, my facebook friends, people that I knew in REAL life (except for one) and sent them messages to see what I could find out about this person.  Their reactions were all very much the same and very unsettling.  First all claiming that they didn’t know this person, and then after some prodding from me, all three confessed that he was a “typical Troll…but a nice guy.”  But one person said, “He trolls people for fun. He is finding your reactions to his trolling to be hilarious. Just block him…He is an all right guy. I just don’t think he realizes where to draw the line between being funny and being rude. I can’t explain why he does these things. I really don’t care either. Some people just don’t understand how to live around normal people and act normally.” One friend was so defensive when I pushed him to tell me this guy’s real name that he couldn’t even continue the conversation. As a matter of fact, all three of the people I questioned about this guy’s real identity, would NOT give it up. Instead, they all defended him AND his nasty troll actions. This was extremely troubling to me. How could they defend someone who they knew for a fact goes out of his way to torment people online, especially using a FAKE NAME. I know exactly the type of person the Troller was, but what kind of people did it make his real-life friends? My friends? But then, there was this one other person, who had been our real-life friend for a couple of decades, much older than these other 3 and so I contacted this person and got the Troll’s real name.

My initial motivation was to seek this person out and have a face to face interaction as the majority of Trolls do not turn to Mr. Hyde until they are on a device. I felt I would be safe. I wanted to let him see that I was a woman, a mom, a wife, a concerned citizen, most likely concerned with some of the same issues he was concerned with. I wanted him to put a REAL flesh and blood FACE to a name, to perhaps remap his brain and maybe have him think twice before Trolling another innocent person…instill personal empathy and compassion for his fellow community members. In general, a Troll is harmless in person. So this was my mission. To meet the TROLL! But first I had to make 100% certain that I had the correct person, so the “good friend” gave me the name of his business and I made a benign, general comment on his Facebook business page and then sent a private message calling him by his Fake, Troll Name, saying a simple, “HI”, hoping for a reply and something nasty in return to indicate that he was the Troll. Oh, and for his well thought out reply to make sense,  you would have to know that he used the Alias, “Human” as his last name. When I received this response I knew right away–BINGO! I HAVE FOUND THE TROLL 

You see, I didn’t send him any emails and there was no, “harassment” but like the “typical troll” he was very quick on his feet and resorted to using Troll tactics as he knew exactly who I was! Not only had he trolled me on a friend’s page, he found my “reactions to his trolling to be hilarious.”  Any “normal” person would have responded that I must have the wrong person as there is no one by that name at this company but would have most likely tried to sell me something anyway.  I knew I had found the Troll.  I responded, using his Fake name again, and that he had actually been the one to make contact with me, but if I had the wrong person (which I knew I didn’t) I apologized for taking up his time.  So, now I know and perhaps sometime in the future, we will have a chance meeting…and if I know anything about God’s timing and perfect order, there will be a learning lesson in all of this.  Furthermore, I did have the opportunity to experience and learn, first-hand the corrupt human condition, where people will turn a blind eye to another’s suffering to the extent of not wanting to chastise or to correct bad behavior in their “friends.”  I do believe, in all of this, that was what bothered me the most.  We will always have jerks and evil people in this world, but if we had more individuals willing to stand up to these BULLIES, and call them out, even if they are your friend, this would become less and less of a problem and we would see fewer young people causing themselves harm and even death if these Cyber Bullies were called out and NOT tolerated!



Daniella Cross is the guardian of 4Earth and featured writer

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.



Sexual De-Evolution. The End of the Revolution! 

Sexual De-Evolution. The End of the Revolution!

October 1, 2018



It seems that the Sexual Revolution that began in the ’60s has escalated in our current era where men and women are equal has backfired miserably! Now, now Feminist, Liberal woman, you can’t have it both ways…you can’t insist that men have morals and values towards women if this is not taught to them. And you also know that it must be taught because instinctively men are sexual hounds. Being moral is not instinctive to anyone, especially men. You, liberal, Feminists are of a mindset that there should be NO rules when it comes to sex…you want the government out of your bedroom and far away from your bodies. You want equal pay and equal treatment and you LOVE to talk about your vagina’s! You stand in the streets, NAKED and scream in protest against our President, you wear your pussy hats and costumes that realistically resemble your genitalia. You want free contraceptives and have pushed a sexual agenda to our elementary-aged children in their schools. You encourage gay men to parade in the streets, publically exposing their penis to onlookers, including children.  YOU ARE THE FULFILMENT of the Sexual Revolution your mothers began in this country. YOU ARE ALL ABOUT SEX and yet you insist that men, who you claim equality to should have morals and values when it comes to anything sexual. Here is the reality you Liberal Feminist women, without someone teaching men morals and values, you will be raising men, who by simple biological instinct want to hump anything that has legs. This is YOUR CULTURE, what YOU have created. If you insist on equality with men, then you just better figure out how to have the same genetic sexual drive as men because morals and values are NOT written in your handbook.  It’s time you actually begin to keep up with a man’s superior sex drive if you insist on being equal in all areas! 

So please stop crying about men exposing themselves to you, while you walk around wearing your vagina’s, stop saying that men should have restraint when a woman wears a mini skirt and a shirt with her boobs hanging out or gets drunk at a party and intensely flirts with a man. Why should men have any sort of restraint when women can’t? Because without any morals or values being taught to either gender all you have are animal instincts and animal instincts are all about sex.  Why is it that men are the only ones held to a higher standard? Why is it that only men have to constantly control their genetic instinct under great temptation? While women can dress like prostitutes–yes prostitutes dress to get picked up; the sexier and more revealing of the goods the better! Women can get “off their feet” drunk at parties–now I have seen many drunk women in my day and they have ZERO inhibitions…and yet it is up to the men, yes even the drunk ones to show restraint.  What this says to me is that MEN are considered to be more responsible, more resistant to temptation and obviously SMARTER than women! And YOU, you idiotic, liberal Feminists have certainly proved this. So stick that in your vagina costume and smoke it!


Daniella Cross is the keeper of and the featured writer

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.




April 2, 2018

When I read articles like this, it really infuriates me!

Georgia teacher Recorded in RANT calling Middle School students, “White European Killers”!

I think a little reality check is in order. Let’s examine America. This country is 242 years old. We have the longest surviving Constitutional Republic in history. And we are a pretty amazing country that people come to in droves for hopes of a better life! Prior to Europeans coming to this land, and long before what we now know as Native Americans, were people from East Asia. They then evolved into all the various Native tribes we now. However, these people had their share of bloody wars to gain land and territory and the Sioux tribe was the fiercest and most vicious and victorious, killing and plundering other tribes for their land. The acquisition of land is not a new concept reserved for the American settlers. If you know your history, you will have a concept of why the Crusades were fought. And for those of you with short-term memory, perhaps WWll will suffice to explain the taking over of land or at least the attempts to. Thankfully we have become a more civilized people and are not seeing many countries or groups trying to seize countries or land by force. Well except for our Federal Government and the South Africans, but that is a Liberal discussion for another time. Moreover, I am not seeing liberal teachers heading out to the Indian (yes I said it) reservation and taking home a family and giving them their home and land in reparations for the “sins” of their forefathers.


I also haven’t seen the descendants of the black people who owned slaves doing anything for the descendants of the slaves they owned. Why is that? Why don’t people talk about black slave owners in our history? I found this interesting tidbit: “The most solid data we found was published in an article in the Root by Henry Louis Gates Jr., a Harvard University historian. Gates cited research by Carter G. Woodson, an African-American historian who died in 1950. He found that in 1830, a total of “3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves. With three more decades of population growth, it’s plausible that the number of black-owned slaves could have grown to 20,000 by 1860, historians told us.”

Speaking of Africa and slaves…Slavery is still rampant in Africa and weirdly it is not the white man enslaving these men, women, and children! Just like it wasn’t the white men who rounded up these poor Africans and shipped them ALL OVER THE WORLD as slaves! IT WAS DARK SKINNED MEN. Yes, in 2018, in AFRICA, slavery is alive and a bustling business. But what really chaps my hide are these teachers and those black liberals that complain and cry and whine that their ancestors were TAKEN to the United States by force….”They had NO CHOICE!” Be that as it may, but Dorothy, guess what, you can click your heels and go home now! You and your ancestors have not been slaves for a long time now, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THREE YEARS TO BE EXACT! YOU ARE NOT SLAVES HERE ANYMORE—wake up from your delusion! So, why aren’t these upset Liberals moving back to their homeland if they are so displeased with America? After all, you won’t be the minority there, the WHITE person will. You will be in AFRICA–the motherland and you will be treated fairly and there is no racism there.

It is interesting that right before and directly after WWll hundreds of thousands of Jews returned to their homeland, Israel. Most of these people after the war had nothing, but managed to get back to their homeland…to a place the majority had never been to before! So, why haven’t we seen a mass exodus of black people returning to their homeland where they can reclaim their roots and heritage? I do believe this is an honest question and one that seems taboo to even speak of. And I would like an intellectually honest answer. I have many black friends and I would be sad to see them leave, but I would never get in their way of going back to a place that they felt they were STOLEN away from. I would certainly think that after a century and a half, those who had anger issues about living in the United States against their will, well, at least against the will’s of their great great great grandparents, would gladly move back to their ancestral home instead of complaining about living in the greatest country on earth!










Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and featured Writer.








ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.


 Smart Rich People! 

Smart Rich People!

February 10, 2017


For those of you who are Trump haters, it is time for you to actually step out of your Governmental box and see how and why a President who is actually FOR the People is picking his staff. I am extremely excited to see what Betsy will do to overhaul the public school system!

When you have lived your entire life, not having to kowtow to little bureaucratic tyrants like we see running our school districts you have a much different mindset as to how to get things done! Growing up in a small town, being rather privileged, I can attest to this mindset. Because these people, the extremely wealthy do not feel constrained into the system as the majority of the public do. This simple fact gives them the tenacity and the mindset to make changes that others would simply just submit to…how things have been done for years. Our public school system, for instance, has been run for decades, into the ground. Funds have been misused and misappropriated, and yes, our education system IS FLUSH with money, it is just not being used correctly! And this is because those who administer these funds are much more concerned with protecting and enhancing the school bureaucracy than furthering the education of the student. It is all about rules, regulations and covering each other’s @$$…school buildings fall into decay, bad teachers can not be fired because of tenure, students are pushed ahead even though they are not proficient while brilliant minds are held back because of the “no child left behind” ideology, parents have lost their voice or simply don’t have the energy or desire to speak out…I for ONE am thrilled that we finally have a representative in our educational system that is NOT afraid of the Bureaucratic bullies!

The Uber Rich have abilities and intestinal fortitude to accomplish things that the general public can’t! This is just a fact! Do you think Bill Gates could have done everything he has accomplished if he were dirt poor? Their mindset is completely different! This is a GOOD THING, not a bad thing! I think it is a plus that Betsy DeVos is a Bazillionaire…she and her husband didn’t become super-rich because they are stupid, no quite the opposite! AND, if she is going to be representing our educational system–OUR CHILDREN; her goal, which is the prevailing goal of mind-blowingly wealthy people, SUCCESS while cutting out all of the cronies that have caused our schools to fall into decay and put our publically educated children in jeopardy!

We need to stop putting our jealousy for wealthy people in the way of logic.


Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and the featured writer.   

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.

 Solar Friggen Roadways! 

Solar Friggen Roadways!

September 6, 2015


Yeah, that’s right—SOLAR FRIGGEN ROADWAYS!  This is NOT Sci-Fi stuff of the future, this innovation is the here and now!  Scott and Julie Brusaw of Sandpoint, Idaho has invented and implemented the first fully functional solar panel roadway grid system.  In an effort to raise money for this endeavor they went to Indiegogo and were the 2nd most funded successful campaign ever on the Indiegogo platform!  Not bad for an invention that the press and the skeptics said, “couldn’t possibly work”  and called it a “scam!” 

Well, not only is it a very feasible and cost-effective way to heat roads, light roads and maintain our roadways, but the vast other applications of this unique solar panel will revolutionize how we utilize our civil engineering for our parks, schools, and other community centers.

Check it out here!



Daniella Cross is the caretaker of 4Earth and featured Writer.

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.


 The Liberal War Cry! “Co-Exist is dead!” Rip that bumper sticker off! 

The Liberal War Cry! “Co-Exist is dead!” Rip that bumper sticker off!

January 16, 2017

Just five more days remain until the Inauguration of our new President and the Progressive Liberals are gearing up for war.  The latest meme that just came through my facebook feed stated, “Anarchists and socialists are taking to twitter to call for disruption, destruction, and mayhem on inauguration day using #J20 and #J20Resist.”  Anarchists?  Wasn’t that what the Conservatives used to be called?  The Trump, DEPLORABLES!  Those were the anarchists…right? Well, the red tide has turned blue, evidently, and perhaps it really was blue all along.   The one important thing I have noticed since this election ended, is that true colors are now very visible.  What happened to, “Love Trumps Hate!”  You see, the Right is not, self-proclaiming as tolerant, peaceful, understanding of differing opinions as the Left and we never have been and never claimed to be…these qualities are the mantras of the Progressive Left.  The Conservative Right doesn’t like men being in the women’s restrooms, most don’t approve of gay marriage, they feel strongly that a business should be able to stand by their religious convictions without being persecuted for it, they also do not like the fascist agenda to being forced into buying health insurance!  The Right was very vocal about their disdain for all these things  because we are NOT tolerant of things which we feel go against our moral codes, our constitution and our pursuit of happiness and we make no bones about it.  If we have to fight, we will fight and that is why Trump won.  We don’t however, throw fits, cause public destruction, close down highways nor do we allow our children to cry in college and skip classes!   We just don’t do that when we lose…


So now for the color change.  Since Trump has been elected, we have seen unbelievable situations happen as we have NEVER seen in the history of our elections.  I will not be laborious to state them all because I think the whole world has been a witness of the Liberal antics over the last couple of months, but it is noteworthy to state that these people who have accused us of being intolerant, anarchist’s, are the ones who have been rioting, closing highways, defacing property, and are now calling, PUBLICALLY for civil disobedience on a very large scale.  Last I looked this type of behavior is against the law.  So, why are these people who have been the champions of antibigotry, anti-bullying, anti-racist being absolute BIGOTS, BULLIES, and RACIST?  Oh, and by the way, there is no such thing as “reverse-racism” regarding blacks hating whites.  Reverse anything is going in the opposite direction, racism is racism…to reverse it would be to end it.  Sorry, Wikipedia you are wrong! 


I have a theory for this!  The reason is, they are NOT tolerant, THEY are the Bigots, the racists, the bullies and the real anarchists, as they are now showing their true identity.  We are all seeing this as clear as day!  Ok, I get it, they are unhappy that their candidate didn’t win, trust me, I completely understand how this feels. But to call for disruption, destruction, and mayhem on inauguration day is just taking your frustrations just a bit too far!  After all, you are supposed to be the tolerant ones, the Co-Exist one’s…you have been telling us for the last 8 years that we are all the Deplorable things that you actually ARE, you are showing not only the people of this country but the people of the world how Liberals act when they don’t get their way.  The Conservative Right may be intolerant to certain things, certain issues that we feel strongly about, but we would never, in this day and age, do the things you are doing!  Can you just imagine if a corporate office party bought a pinata of Obama and strung it up by the neck and bashed it on a live facebook feed, not just stupid idiots, but a corporate business?  Good Lord, they’d be boycotted, shut down, and thrown in jail for a hate crime faster than Loretta Lynch could put her lipstick on.  Most people who were unhappy with Obama were just too afraid of the public and police repercussions of saying their true feelings for fear of being called racist…if we disagreed with his politics–Racist!  If we disagreed with his gay marriage law—Homophobe. If we were afraid of terrorists coming into our country–fear mongers!  We have been called every name in the book by the Liberal left, and during this election, we even learned some unfamiliar (to the general public) words–xenophobic and misogynist. 


I’m all for people standing up for what they believe in.  I also believe that sometimes civil disobedience is justified…I just don’t believe in looting, rioting and causing destruction or violence against innocent people or their property, especially if your mantra is all about tolerance and your cars are plastered with CO-EXIST stickers!  The main difference between the Liberal Left and the Conservative Right is that the Right doesn’t pretend to be something they are not!


Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and the featured writer.

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.




February 16, 2017

Today, a featured story from the Daily Mail, written by David Rose came across my news feed that stated: “HOW CAN WE TRUST GLOBAL WARMING SCIENTISTS IF THEY KEEP TWISTING THE TRUTH?” He begins his article with this:


“They were duped – and so were we. That was the conclusion of last week’s damning revelation that world leaders signed the Paris Agreement on climate change under the sway of unverified and questionable data.

A landmark scientific paper –the one that caused a sensation by claiming there has been NO slowdown in global warming since 2000 – was critically flawed. And thanks to the bravery of a whistleblower, we now know that for a fact.” (see full article below)  


Kent Clizbe claims that “NOAA shows the Earth red hot in December, with record heat in central Africa.”  However, “NOAA has almost no temperature data from Africa and none from central Africa. They simply made up the record temperatures.  Satellites show that NOAA’s record hot regions in Africa were actually close to normal.”   Gavin Schmidt–a Climatologist and climate modeler and director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies(GISS) in New York, and co-founder of the award-winning climate science blog RealClimate, claims that the imaginary NOAA data has been replicated by many other institutions.  Although when push comes to shove regarding the fake data and made-up heat indexes–especially in parts of Africa, Gavin states, “it’s not my data, I get it from NOAA.”  

(Photo credit–Kent Clizbe, Fraud Detection Services 571 217 0714)



This is very interesting…a so-called, “scientific paper” was written to cause some sort of hysteria and aimed at forcing the hands of many world leaders to impose very strict environmental restraints on the citizens of their countries…this paper has been dubbed, “The Pausebuster.”   “So, flawed as it was, the Pausebuster paper unquestionably helped persuade world leaders to sign an agreement that imposes massive emissions cuts on developed countries.” 

Ok, I for one am all into keeping our planet clean, easing pollution, cutting down on waste, etc.  I cried when the Fake Indian shed that infamous tear, ok!  I drink water out of a glass and am not opposed to public drinking fountains that for decades served to quench the thirst of the American people.  I was NOT ok with the big water bottling companies pushing the mass hysteria that we would all DIE if we didn’t drink at least 8, 16oz glasses of water a day and I was even more horrified when the public bought into this lie.  I am equally disgusted when I see commercials showing billions and billions of plastic water bottles littering streets and taking over landfills!  But, there is huge money to be made in selling people, life-saving water packed in plastic bottles!  After all, public drinking fountains are yucky!  I also remember quite well, when I was guilted into using plastic bags at the grocery store because if I wanted paper bags, I was branded as a tree killer and personally responsible for causing the Amazon rain-forest to be depleted by TEN million acres a minute!  No one wants to be responsible for that!  And now, as I enter the grocery store I am reminded, before I even enter the store, with large signs, telling me not to forget to use my reusable grocery bags, made from fully recycled plastic water bottles.  Moreover, as the fresh-faced high school student is preparing to bag my groceries (yes, I forgot my reusable hemp bags in the car) I am put to the psychological test, to which I always fail, and am asked that plaguing question;  “IS PLASTIC OK?”  I honestly do not know the answer to that question and I will save that debate for another time.


So I digress…back to the Global Warming issue and these recent revelations. Who was this, “whistleblower” that called foul on this new global warming data? 

His name is Dr. John Bates, and was one of two NOAA ‘principal scientists’ working on climate issues. “And as he explained to the MoS, one key concern is the reliability of new data on sea temperatures issued in 2015 at the same time as the Pausebuster paper.”  I am not going to be laborious over this because if you really want to know the truth about how data is faked to push an agenda, you can simply read the article(s) at the bottom of this page.  However, it is important to understand that there is a LOT of money at stake, as is generally the case when an agenda is being pushed.  In the debate of man-made global warming, we are talking about a $22 BILLION DOLLAR A YEAR industry! I would have to assume, now that there is a President in charge, who is NOT on the take for global warming, these “whistleblowers” may have some serious incentive in the form of compensation to come forward and tell the truth. Remember it is really all about the money…it doesn’t matter how it is made…telling the truth or telling a lie.    


Global warming contributes to making money and so many are jumping on the hysteria bandwagon.  Just recently I watched a video for an MLM that pushes solar panels (yes ya heard me, an MLM for solar panels! It’s not just “get thin” supplements any more folks) and the first several minutes of the video was an apocalyptic extrapolation of the disastrous effects of global warming!  Don’t get me wrong, I think solar power is a highly under-utilized energy resource, we use solar panels to supplement the heating of our pool, but to use the global warming propaganda to push an MLM? Let’s not let a fake crisis go to waste, right! 


What I don’t think people understand is that whoever is paying the bills for the research, gets the data they want! This is nothing new! We saw this happening in the first few decades of the 20th century with Paleontology. So much fraud was presented to the public as FACT by major Paleontologists, which to this day exist in high school and college textbooks. “Best known examples include Piltdown man, which has been proven to be a composite of a human skull and an ape jaw and Hesperopithecus man, which turned out to be a pig’s tooth, but many other major examples exist” But don’t forget Lucy, Charlie Brown…waaa waaaa, waaa waaaa waaaa! We have a couple of generations still believing that the Piltdown man is the “missing link” and Lucy is an ancient human, even though this lie was proven fake decades ago! “The scientists involved in these controversies are often not minor-league players but include many of those who have dominated the field of paleoanthropology in the twentieth century. The effects of their fraud can be far-reaching and may affect entire disciplines (Feder 2006; Kohn 1988). Even well-known modern paleoanthropology leaders, including the Leakey family (Louis, Mary, and Richard), have been involved in many controversies, including accusations of misrepresentation, sloppy work, and poor documentation.”   And yet, knowing this, “intelligent” people will still defend these frauds as non-fiction. 


Unfortunately, the public is so easily swayed, distracted and frothed up by anyone pushing a cause and, all agendas have money driving them.  It doesn’t matter if it is a corporation or a government, if the pitch is tossed at just the right angle, they will hit a home run every time.  Now don’t forget to buy your sweetheart a late Valentine’s Diamond because you never know when those rare gems will become extinct!





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Daniella Cross is the Guardian of 4Earth and the featured writer.

ALL images used in this site rely on the U.S. Copyright law doctrine of “Fair Use” with No Copyright Infringement intended.